Our Syllabus

What You’ll Learn
Unemployed, Self Employed or Employed and Up-Skilling? This is some of what you’ll learn….
Delivered by a team of industry experts, BlackRook Academy’s Social Media Content Creator Bootcamp guides you to achieve an effective and tailored use of social media platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and TikTok.
Our syllabus provides training across the whole arc of content creation, from idea generation, writing and storytelling to in-depth coaching which focuses on professional image and video production using a smartphone. This is accompanied by up-to-date discussion of business tools including analytics, sponsored ads, search engine optimisation and AI.
Key aspects of the course include:
Understanding the Landscape
By participating in critical group discussion, you will refine your professional understanding of social media usage. You will be able to identify the appropriate platforms for your content through consideration of tone, audience and intention.
In a world where our message can be swiped away at the touch of a finger, it is crucial that social media outreach is engaging. You will reflect upon where audience values lie, and how you can appeal to them.
AI in social media offers incredible opportunities to enhance content and user experiences. We teach you how to use AI as a helpful tool to support your venture, while considering the potential pros and cons of this rising technology.
Paid Ads
Our tailored training sessions will guide you through the intricacies of creating, managing, and optimizing paid ad campaigns on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. By mastering these skills, you’ll learn how to effectively target your ideal audience, maximise your ad spend, and ultimately drive more traffic and sales to your business. Empower yourself with the knowledge to outshine competitors and achieve your business goals through strategic social media advertising.
Advanced Canva
One of the industry’s most intuitive and accessible apps, Canva is an excellent tool to create striking graphic design. Throughout the course, you will sharpen your Canva skills in response to practical content creation tasks.
You will be introduced to evaluation methods which can give vital insights into the successes and failures of your social media outreach. Analytics empower you to make improvements, direct your business strategy and continue to connect with your audience.
Video Reels
Short-form video delivers the highest ROI compared to other marketing trends and will secure more investment this year than any other format. 87 per cent of marketers report a direct increase in sales through video. We teach you to create video that connects with your audience.
Filming in Industry
BlackRook Academy’s collaboration with real employers with social media vacancies is a unique aspect of the course. You will actively gain experience by shooting and editing film to a live brief in industry settings.
Editing Skills
Working with skilled video experts, you will be taught the fundamentals of video production and editing to make high quality and professional video content.
Employability Burst
No matter your employment status, our syllabus ensures that time is allocated to achieving your aspirations with advice and encouragement from our industry tutors.
Business in a Box: How to start up as a Sole Trader
Our tutors give you all the tools and knowledge you’ll need to set up as a freelance content creator. And from Day One our Employability team will be working to help you achieve your ambitions.
Examples of course content:

Working with WMCA
“There’s very clearly a need for every business to build an audience online to promote its products and services. Our courses at BlackRook Academy help you develop great ideas for content and then make those ideas real.
The WMCA funding enables us to deliver these courses to those seeking work, those in work and also the self employed across the West Midlands.
The BlackRook Academy Social Media Content Creator Bootcamp began in February 2023 and we’ve expanded fast, growing our team of industry experts. We’re now providing training across Wolverhampton, Birmingham, and Walsall, and we have successfully coached hundreds of people on how to be content creators and social media managers. The funding from the WMCA has and continues to make a terrific impact.”
Lucy Rook – Founder & Managing Director of BlackRook Academy